2012 The Netherlands
Meaning of Budo (Bu: stop the sword, what means stop your enemies fighting mind, Do=in daily life)
Martial art means kill. But bu does not mean kill, it means stop.
Basic Aikido Yuishinkai principles
Lizard leg (T-step)
Started Aikido in 1957 with Tada sensei, and how Yamada sensei helped, anecdote.
Kotai and juntai = basic
Ryutai = True Aikido arts
O’sensei always taught basics
The last 2 years before O’sensei died he often called Maruyama sensei as uke and he taught ryutai, he took 5 meters distance.
He explained how this practise went. And how to develop feeling for true art.
How to hold
How to walk
How to use arm
Katatedori tenkan
Anecdote how Sensei taught Shinichi Tohei ukemi when he was 8 years old
Ukemi exercise
How to move in budo, to the side or the back
Shomenuchi kokyunage kotai
Katatekosadori kokyunage kotai/juntai
Katatekosadori kokyunage ryutai
Ryotedori technique
Katatedori ryotemochi kokyunage (using tochiho)
Futarigake (2 people attack)
Yokomenuchi kokyunage (with lizard leg (T-step) as in happo kata)
Yokomenuchi shihonage omote kotai/juntai/ryutai (using tochiho)
Ushiro ryotekubidori zenpo nage kotai/juntai
How to attack ushiro ryotekubidori
Ushiro ryotekubidori zenponage ryutai
O’sensei said Aikido is 70% atemi. So you must always watch your partners body, then you can do atemi. Centerline to centerline.
Kokyu dosa
Handle of sword on left side on katanakake, explained from samurai way of handling sword.
How to hold sword
Meaning of fingers
Test correct holding of sword
Seigan, how to point sword at the other
Ichi no tachi (first of sword)
Hitotsu no tachi (first of sword – secret technique)
Shishin no ken (sword of the 4 gods)
Shinkage ryu (there are 5 techniques, we did 1):
I tou Ryodan (one sword cut)