Interview with Maruyama Sensei in Bologna 2017

From the Chief Instructor Aikido Yuishinkai Italy, Franco Bertossa, Simone Shrap Semprini, Marco Schiavi and dear friends from Aikido Yuishinkai in Bologna. Thank you very much for doing this interview with Sensei. Here’s the interview with Maruyama Sensei who kindly answered to our questions during the last European seminar in Bologna, for the 20th anniversary… Lees verder Interview with Maruyama Sensei in Bologna 2017

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Video interview with Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

Dutch national tv program Hart van Nederland interviews Koretoshi Maruyama sensei during the national seminar in The Netherlands on July 6th 2009. Click here to see the video of the interview.

Interview with Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

Click here for the interview “The Joyous Path” with Koretoshi Maruyama sensei by Antonietta Ferrari & Federico Gobbo during the seminar in Bologna in 2005.

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Interview with Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

Click here for the interview with Koretoshi Maruyama sensei by Clement Choo that took place on September 1st, 2003, during a seminar conducted in Singapore by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei.

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