What is mind? (3)

by Koretoshi Maruyama Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai (Translator’s note: Parts 1 and 2 are available in Japanese at: https://aikidoyuishinkai-japan-honbu.jimdofree.com/blog) I know I am repeating myself, but please allow me another opportunity to tell you about Soshu Shigyo’s definition of “god.” I sincerely hope that my brothers and sisters in Aikido Yuishinkai will memorise this definition.… Lees verder What is mind? (3)

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“I am mind itself 10” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I am mind itself”10 Maruyama Koretoshi, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai I have been thinking about aikido as a martial art. I do not view aikido as a martial art. Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba, not for the purpose of throwing other people and demonstrating your own power, but as a purifying practice for… Lees verder “I am mind itself 10” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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“I am mind itself 9” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

What is freedom? The word “freedom” originated in England. Freedom means that individuals have opinions and ideas based on their own thoughts, and that they are responsible for their own actions. As a result, an individual’s reputation, position, and even their life depends upon their actions. The person that first sought to achieve this freedom… Lees verder “I am mind itself 9” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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“I am mind itself 8” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I Am Mind Itself 8” Koretoshi Maruyama, Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai Happy New Year everyone. Every year, the chief abbot of Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto chooses a single character that encapsulates his impression of the previous year. For 2018, he chose the character for “disaster.” For many years, public sentiment has indicated that Japanese government… Lees verder “I am mind itself 8” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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Meaning of true Aikido

I have written this article because both Peter and Martijn have asked me to clarify the connection between Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, and Aikido Yuishinkai. I worry that people from overseas, who have grown up in a different culture, with different customs, may not fully understand the meaning of “true Aikido,” which the… Lees verder Meaning of true Aikido

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Aikido Yuishinkai Motto (Part 2)

I am mind itself. The path I travel is long. However, I must not walk it as if I will reach my goal someday. Each step is the goal. I devote all of my energy to each step. I take each step with single-minded determination. Majestically. Taking each step with determination. I go. With courage.

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“I am mind itself 6” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I am mind itself 6” Maruyama Koretoshi, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai We have entered a new year with the commencement of 2017. Looking back, the beginning of last year saw the resignation of Okajima-sensei from his role as my successor, and many dojos from Europe and Australia left the organisation through the year. In… Lees verder “I am mind itself 6” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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“I am mind itself 5” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I am mind itself 5” Koretoshi Maruyama sensei, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai This year marks the 20th anniversary of Aikido Yuishinkai, we held a gathering of instructors from Australia, England, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands to commemorate the occasion. In February this year, I named Peter Kelly from Australia, and Martijn van Hemmen from… Lees verder “I am mind itself 5” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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“I am mind itself 4” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I am mind itself 4” Maruyama Koretoshi sensei, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai In May of this year (2015), the World Friendship Seminar was held in Matsuzaka City in Mie Prefecture by Minoru Oshima sensei, who is the president of Kodokai Aikido International, and Yoshitake Hashimoto sensei, who is the president of Junshinkai Aikido. I… Lees verder “I am mind itself 4” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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What is Budo?

“What is Budo?” Maruyama Koretoshi, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai   Before writing about the nature of ‘budo,’ I should first write about the difference between ‘budo’ and ‘sport.’ This is because even the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology does not properly differentiate between the two.   If we were to… Lees verder What is Budo?

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“I am mind itself 3” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I am mind itself 3” Koretoshi Maruyama sensei, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai   A new tendency to call martial arts and other types of physical activities which imply pair work “sports” has appeared recently. And I was asked recently: “What kind of sport  is Aikido?”   It is necessary to explain clearly the difference… Lees verder “I am mind itself 3” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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“I am mind itself 2”, by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I am mind itself 2” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai   There is a science called ‘quantum physics’. This science teaches that in the microcosm the object under observation definitely experiences the observer’s thoughts or that the result of the experiment depends on a scientist. For us who made their decision to… Lees verder “I am mind itself 2”, by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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“I am mind itself”, by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

“I am mind itself” by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei, the Founder of Aikido Yuishinkai   The motto of Aikido Yuishinkai members starts with the words “I am mind itself”. I think that you visit this page because first you simply thought that you should “visit it”. We even unconsciously turn into action what we have been… Lees verder “I am mind itself”, by Koretoshi Maruyama sensei

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