Peter Kelly 10th dan

On July 4, 2020, I granted the International Chief Instructor of Aikido Yuishinkai, Peter Kelly, the rank of 10th dan. In Japan, not just in Aikido, but in all martial arts, it is customary to grant high ranks, known as “honorary ranks,” to those who have made great contributions to the art, irrespective of their… Lees verder Peter Kelly 10th dan

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International Chief Instructor

Hello everyone. This is Koretoshi Maruyama.  On January 31st 2019 I appointed Peter Kelly as international chief instructor and I wanted to take this opportunity to explain the roles of each type of instructor in the new structure of Aikido Yuishinkai. The international chief instructor is at the top of the organizational structure. National chief… Lees verder International Chief Instructor

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Aikido Yuishinkai International Instructors

Dear Aikido Yuishinkai national Chief Instructors and dojo Head Instructors, I’m deeply grateful for your daily efforts to help Aikido Yuishinkai to transmit the techniques and spirit of true aikido as handed down directly by Morihei Ueshiba sensei. I would like to take this opportunity to name Australia’s Peter Kelly and The Netherlands’ Martijn van… Lees verder Aikido Yuishinkai International Instructors

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